Dry Land Training
By Dick Hannula
Supplement your swimmers’ strength and power training with dry land training. Schedule a designated time for your dry land training when the equipment and facilities are available. Your time training out of the pool will also change during the course of the swim season according to the phase of your in-pool training. During the peak preparation period, your dry land training will decrease considerably, and it will be at its highest point during transition training.
My dry land program changed every season according to my team’s training phases and the availability of equipment and facilities. My dry land program includes the following: surgical tubing units, swim benches and swim sleds, medicine ball training, basic exercises, flexibility exercises, and weight training. However, I couldn’t possibly use all of these on any one day because of time constraints and equipment availability. I suggest rotating specific groups of swimmers through your planned dry land training on alternate days. Such an arrangement will result in maximum use of the equipment you have available.
Surgical Tubing Units
Surgical tubing units are inexpensive and can be safely anchored to diving board railings and to wall eyebolts. I like to have them anchored at a position above shoulder height. Your swimmers, at minimal risk of injury to themselves, can duplicate swimming movements closely, resulting in an increased power and endurance that will transfer effectively to their swimming.
I use these units every season, and each swimmer owns his or her own. I prefer a paddle at each end of the tubing to simulate the hand position while swimming.
Here is a sample training session using a surgical tubing unit:
Perform each exercise for 30 repeats or one minute. Do the repeats of each exercise with fast movement but perfect technique. Perform three sets of each exercise in numerical order:
1. Butterfly full stroke
2. Elbow forward extension presses
3. Lateral forward arm swings
4. Butterfly recovery
5. Butterfly finish
6. Butterfly full stroke (a second set)
7. Backstroke pull-downs
8. Breaststroke pull
One round of this particular set would take 24 minutes. The number of repeats and the rest interval would depend on the stage of the season. This particular set would probably be used in midseason. Emphasize that each set must be done with perfect technique and fast execution.
Swim Benches or Swim Sleds
Swim benches and swim sleds are both units on which the swimmers lie in a prone position and simulate a swimming stroke, usually butterfly. On the swim bench the body remains stationary, and the machine setting determines the amount of resistance that the arm stroke will have to overcome. Swim benches can usually give you a power rating that is scored electronically.
On the swim sled, swimmers lie on a movable platform and pull their body past their arms, as they do in actual swimming. The swim bench helps the athlete attain the feeling of swimming while providing additional resistance. The body doesn’t move past the arms on the bench, but your swimmers can duplicate fast swimming strokes with variable resistance.
Pair up your swimmers, with one doing the bench or sled exercises and the partner performing sit-ups, push-ups, or some other exercise while waiting. A typical sled set would be 5 3 20 repeats with good technique and a power pull on the sled. Partners would alternate on the sled after each set of 20. The swim bench set would vary the resistance and the number of repeats according to the stroke and distance swum.
Medicine Balls
Medicine ball training increases core strength as well as strength of the extremities. Review a list of recommended medicine ball exercises to determine which best serve your needs.
In using medicine balls, I like twist and turn drills, passing drills, and stomach exercises. You can create many interesting and motivational drills with medicine balls.
Basic Exercises
Our basic daily exercises include a minimum of 300 sit-ups and 100 push-ups. When I have suitable equipment, I add pull-ups and dips to our program. The sit-ups and push-ups take very little time and can be done anywhere that is convenient to the swimmer.
Provide your swimmers with some time for flexibility exercises before they go into the water. At the Australian Institute of Sport, where a specialist teaches flexibility exercises at the start of each session, the swimmers report to practice 15 minutes early to do their exercises.
You must sell your swimmers on the benefits of being flexible. Teach them the necessary exercises at the start of the season. There are a number of excellent sources for flexibility exercises, including a booklet published by USA Swimming. (One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5770)
Weight training has been an area of controversy for swimmers, because it is a form of dry land training that can increase the risk of injury and can bulk up a streamlined body. However, it can also help to prevent injuries when supervised and done properly. You need to research and understand the effects of weight training before introducing it into a program. The American Swim Coaches Association has an excellent study course on dry land training.
I believe in weight training for some swimmers, because most swimmers will develop more strength and speed as a result of it. On the other hand, many great distance coaches do not believe in any weight training because they want to avoid any additional bulk and other possible negative results from the use of weights. I suggest that distance swimmers be more cautious in their approach to weight training. You should approach weight training based on individual needs and abilities.
Age-group swimmers who have not gone through puberty should use gymnastics and any other dry land opportunities that meet the requirements of their physical maturity. I didn’t use weight training for my age-group swimmers, but if you decide to do so, base your decision on the best research available on the subject.
When I had a weight-training room available in my high school, I used it for my boys’ team three times a week for about 45 minutes each session. Because I don’t have a weight-training room available as a club coach, I use the other forms of dry land training.
Source : Human Kinetics
Supplement your swimmers’ strength and power training with dry land training. Schedule a designated time for your dry land training when the equipment and facilities are available. Your time training out of the pool will also change during the course of the swim season according to the phase of your in-pool training. During the peak preparation period, your dry land training will decrease considerably, and it will be at its highest point during transition training.
My dry land program changed every season according to my team’s training phases and the availability of equipment and facilities. My dry land program includes the following: surgical tubing units, swim benches and swim sleds, medicine ball training, basic exercises, flexibility exercises, and weight training. However, I couldn’t possibly use all of these on any one day because of time constraints and equipment availability. I suggest rotating specific groups of swimmers through your planned dry land training on alternate days. Such an arrangement will result in maximum use of the equipment you have available.
Surgical Tubing Units
Surgical tubing units are inexpensive and can be safely anchored to diving board railings and to wall eyebolts. I like to have them anchored at a position above shoulder height. Your swimmers, at minimal risk of injury to themselves, can duplicate swimming movements closely, resulting in an increased power and endurance that will transfer effectively to their swimming.
I use these units every season, and each swimmer owns his or her own. I prefer a paddle at each end of the tubing to simulate the hand position while swimming.
Here is a sample training session using a surgical tubing unit:
Perform each exercise for 30 repeats or one minute. Do the repeats of each exercise with fast movement but perfect technique. Perform three sets of each exercise in numerical order:
1. Butterfly full stroke
2. Elbow forward extension presses
3. Lateral forward arm swings
4. Butterfly recovery
5. Butterfly finish
6. Butterfly full stroke (a second set)
7. Backstroke pull-downs
8. Breaststroke pull
One round of this particular set would take 24 minutes. The number of repeats and the rest interval would depend on the stage of the season. This particular set would probably be used in midseason. Emphasize that each set must be done with perfect technique and fast execution.
Swim Benches or Swim Sleds
Swim benches and swim sleds are both units on which the swimmers lie in a prone position and simulate a swimming stroke, usually butterfly. On the swim bench the body remains stationary, and the machine setting determines the amount of resistance that the arm stroke will have to overcome. Swim benches can usually give you a power rating that is scored electronically.
On the swim sled, swimmers lie on a movable platform and pull their body past their arms, as they do in actual swimming. The swim bench helps the athlete attain the feeling of swimming while providing additional resistance. The body doesn’t move past the arms on the bench, but your swimmers can duplicate fast swimming strokes with variable resistance.
Pair up your swimmers, with one doing the bench or sled exercises and the partner performing sit-ups, push-ups, or some other exercise while waiting. A typical sled set would be 5 3 20 repeats with good technique and a power pull on the sled. Partners would alternate on the sled after each set of 20. The swim bench set would vary the resistance and the number of repeats according to the stroke and distance swum.
Medicine Balls
Medicine ball training increases core strength as well as strength of the extremities. Review a list of recommended medicine ball exercises to determine which best serve your needs.
In using medicine balls, I like twist and turn drills, passing drills, and stomach exercises. You can create many interesting and motivational drills with medicine balls.
Basic Exercises
Our basic daily exercises include a minimum of 300 sit-ups and 100 push-ups. When I have suitable equipment, I add pull-ups and dips to our program. The sit-ups and push-ups take very little time and can be done anywhere that is convenient to the swimmer.
Provide your swimmers with some time for flexibility exercises before they go into the water. At the Australian Institute of Sport, where a specialist teaches flexibility exercises at the start of each session, the swimmers report to practice 15 minutes early to do their exercises.
You must sell your swimmers on the benefits of being flexible. Teach them the necessary exercises at the start of the season. There are a number of excellent sources for flexibility exercises, including a booklet published by USA Swimming. (One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5770)
Weight training has been an area of controversy for swimmers, because it is a form of dry land training that can increase the risk of injury and can bulk up a streamlined body. However, it can also help to prevent injuries when supervised and done properly. You need to research and understand the effects of weight training before introducing it into a program. The American Swim Coaches Association has an excellent study course on dry land training.
I believe in weight training for some swimmers, because most swimmers will develop more strength and speed as a result of it. On the other hand, many great distance coaches do not believe in any weight training because they want to avoid any additional bulk and other possible negative results from the use of weights. I suggest that distance swimmers be more cautious in their approach to weight training. You should approach weight training based on individual needs and abilities.
Age-group swimmers who have not gone through puberty should use gymnastics and any other dry land opportunities that meet the requirements of their physical maturity. I didn’t use weight training for my age-group swimmers, but if you decide to do so, base your decision on the best research available on the subject.
When I had a weight-training room available in my high school, I used it for my boys’ team three times a week for about 45 minutes each session. Because I don’t have a weight-training room available as a club coach, I use the other forms of dry land training.
Source : Human Kinetics
Labels: dry swim trainer, dryswim trainer
At July 10, 2007 at 3:50 PM ,
Unknown said...
A swim bench provides swimmers a strengthening workout under controlled conditions, while at the same time providing a simulation of forces exerted on a person swimming in the water. It emulates accurately the swimming motion and forces required by a swimmer for those swimming strokes.
At July 10, 2007 at 3:56 PM ,
plasma007 said...
In the water, the lower body offers only 15 to 30% of the forward propulsion achieved in swimming. Swim benches actually work the large muscle masses below the user's hip more efficiently than a normal swimming activity. Consequently the user burns more calories and at the same time builds more lower extremity muscular endurance and would be the case in water.
At July 10, 2007 at 4:03 PM ,
Unknown said...
Swim benches can be used as part of a dryland and/or off season program for a competitive swimmer. If you want a stronger swimmer you should train activities that resemble the swimming activity. Swim benches offer both movement simulation and speed variability and allows the user to train upper muscle groups for endurance by performing certain specific exercises.
At July 11, 2007 at 12:16 PM ,
Unknown said...
When initiating dryland training remember that swimmers might not benefit from the same training as land-based athletes. The key is to find the right balance of cardiovascular and strength training activities that will not aggravate chronic conditions or create new injuries.
At July 11, 2007 at 1:02 PM ,
Unknown said...
Dry-land program should be tailored to a swimmer’s training group. At a minimum, it should include core strengthening and flexibility. My advice would be to talk first to your coach about implementing a season dry-land training plan. It should be supervised by someone trained on how to instruct proper technique of all the exercises. Just sending a swimmer into an unsupervised weight room may do more harm than good.
At July 16, 2007 at 3:53 PM ,
Unknown said...
A dry swim trainer is a convenient substitute or supplement to swim workouts. You can go down into your basement, into your workout room, and get a great workout in a short period of time. It will be fantastic during the winter months to swim in the comfort of my home!
At July 16, 2007 at 4:06 PM ,
Unknown said...
The dry swim trainer is a fantastic tool for busy swimmers and athletes who can't get to the pool every day or every other day for that matter. It would be nice to see one in our local health club. It’s very similar to being in the pool!
At September 7, 2007 at 12:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Competency in activities such as agility, balance and coordination, running, jumping and throwing, catching and striking are best developed out of the water and help swimmers to improve their skill which will ultimately impact on better stroke techniques and starting and turning. In addition, swimmers will develop a more balanced physical development that will ultimately assist in the avoidance of injuries.
At September 12, 2007 at 9:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Having been a competitive swimmer, as well as an age-group coach, I can say from my experience that dryland workouts will create strength and speed – as well as keep the sport fun and challenging. I have seen kids stay motivated with this plan – because they know, if they do the work – day in and day out, that they are going to see results at the end."
At September 12, 2007 at 10:06 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Incorporating swim-specific dryland exercises into swim training helps athletes not only swim better, but also helps them dive and leave the block more effectively. Emphasis should be on targeting specific muscle groups-such as shoulders and triceps-that directly correlate to top-flight racing.
At September 12, 2007 at 10:30 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Learning general stroke motions and mechanics is sometimes difficult in the water and better accomplished on land. Dryswim trainers definitely will help with technique in the pool and it will create upper body strength, swimmer's form and flexibility.
At September 12, 2007 at 10:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I recommend medicine balls for swimmers particularly because of the core strengthening benefits. Core stabilization on the ball can help build trunk strength which will help you maintain streamlines off the wall, decreased drag during the stroke and optimal technique and form. The stronger the core, the better the hip turn and motions during all strokes.
At September 12, 2007 at 11:03 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Swim benches allow swimmers to simulate the motions of swimming strokes. This gives coaches plenty of opportunities to see that their swimmers can perform the strokes correctly.
At September 18, 2007 at 9:28 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I am convinced that specific training is the way to go for masters athletes. If you want to get good at swimming - swim.
At September 18, 2007 at 9:40 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Pool availability, lack of time, and bad weather are all factors that limit your swimming. Knowing that there are alternative methods to improve your swimming is a relief.
At September 18, 2007 at 9:49 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The principle of specificity of training applies to all forms of training, including strength training. So, what makes sense to me is to either do dryland exercises with resistance that mimic swimming motions and/or add resistance to actual swimming in the water.
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