RE : Other Solutions to Swim Training
The goal of dry land training is to condition, stretch and strengthen muscles that are used in swimming while building fitness and athleticism. You need to develop swim-specific strength to make you slice through the water. It is a lot tougher to fight gravity than the density of water, therefore you can sometimes get so much more from doing the right thing on the dryland. It can involve exercises like squats, leg press, leg extension, leg curl, lat pull-down, seated rowing, bent-over rowing, lateral raise, shoulder press, bench press, dumbbell curl, push-up, abdominal work and assorted stretches. If done properly, an increase in strength will result in faster swimming.
But recent research has shown that hand force (hand speed) applied to the water is really generated by the rotation of the hips, and not by the muscles of the arm. This is the concept behind the DrySwim Trainer design. The muscles that pull the arm through the water are attached within one inch of the top of the arm. With a 21" arm, the lever ratio is 1:20, which means that a 100 lbs. of pull by the shoulder muscles produces only 5 lbs. of force at the hand as it pushes back against the water. The torque generated by the larger, stronger hip muscles, on the other hand, whips the hands through the water, much like golfers or batters whip their clubs and bats through the air with a fast turn of the hips. Elite swimmers who were able to make modest increases in the acceleration of their hips doubled their peak hand force output.
The time spent on the side should be maximized so the shoulders do not break the water-line and do not produce bow waves. This reduces the frontal cross-section, reducing drag further, and also increasing the ratio between the body's water-line-length and width. Similar improvements are possible by orienting the narrowest direction of head, hands, legs and arms into the water. The torso is by far the most critical. The motion of the hand, arm, and leg from the back to the front should be in the air for as much time during the recovery stroke as possible, and in the water, oriented as hydrodynamically as possible, because the returning appendage has to move at least twice as fast as the swimmer, and in the water generates eight times the drag (which increases with the cube of the speed) of an equal amount of torso frontal area. Rotating your shoulders also adds power to one's pull by using abdominal muscles to help pull the arm through the water.
But recent research has shown that hand force (hand speed) applied to the water is really generated by the rotation of the hips, and not by the muscles of the arm. This is the concept behind the DrySwim Trainer design. The muscles that pull the arm through the water are attached within one inch of the top of the arm. With a 21" arm, the lever ratio is 1:20, which means that a 100 lbs. of pull by the shoulder muscles produces only 5 lbs. of force at the hand as it pushes back against the water. The torque generated by the larger, stronger hip muscles, on the other hand, whips the hands through the water, much like golfers or batters whip their clubs and bats through the air with a fast turn of the hips. Elite swimmers who were able to make modest increases in the acceleration of their hips doubled their peak hand force output.
The time spent on the side should be maximized so the shoulders do not break the water-line and do not produce bow waves. This reduces the frontal cross-section, reducing drag further, and also increasing the ratio between the body's water-line-length and width. Similar improvements are possible by orienting the narrowest direction of head, hands, legs and arms into the water. The torso is by far the most critical. The motion of the hand, arm, and leg from the back to the front should be in the air for as much time during the recovery stroke as possible, and in the water, oriented as hydrodynamically as possible, because the returning appendage has to move at least twice as fast as the swimmer, and in the water generates eight times the drag (which increases with the cube of the speed) of an equal amount of torso frontal area. Rotating your shoulders also adds power to one's pull by using abdominal muscles to help pull the arm through the water.
Labels: dry swim trainer
At July 11, 2007 at 4:11 PM ,
Unknown said...
Dry land training should create fluidity, momentum and functional strength while maintaining cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. Swim bench exercises help swimmers develop correct kinesthetic perception to acquire the self-control methods. This encourages muscle memory, which resulting in better, faster swimming in the pool.
At July 13, 2007 at 1:27 PM ,
Unknown said...
For dryland swim training to perfect swimming strokes, increase strength, power and endurance, a dry swim trainer is a perfect swim coaching device. It delivers exactly the right swim-specific training so you can make major gains fast.
At July 13, 2007 at 1:43 PM ,
Unknown said...
A dry swim trainer is an absolute essential for all triathletes and swimmers who want to swim faster. It plays a significant part in the development of stroke mechanics and upper body strength in swimmers.
At July 13, 2007 at 1:54 PM ,
Unknown said...
A dry swim trainer is a perfect tool to develop proper stroke technique and strength improvements in swimming. It allows swim athletes to replicate exactly how arms move through the water during pool workouts or competition, thus taking dryland to a much higher level of neuromuscular and training benefit.
At September 6, 2007 at 2:19 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Dry land training will help reach the full potential of aquatic athletes. Once the swimming world takes hold of intelligent & correct weight training, our athletes will get much faster.
At September 6, 2007 at 2:47 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Smart dryland training can help prevent injury. So, if the athlete stays healthy and is able to train more effectively, the dryland training can indirectly lead to faster swimming.
At September 6, 2007 at 2:51 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Strength developed on dry land through basic compound weight movements can, even if in minimal proportions, transfer to the pool. One thing that’s important to remember is that one of the (smaller) ways that swimmers get faster, is that their strength increases. It takes muscle to pull yourself through the water repeatedly, and it takes muscular endurance to maintain that strength.
At September 24, 2007 at 10:03 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Most dryland exercises work on the rotator cuff, shoulder and anterior muscles, which are rarely weak. Lower extremity strengthening using weights, plyometric drills and cross-training with running or biking can be quite beneficial in building explosive power for starts, turns, sprints and breaststroke. However, the majority of the force produced in swimming is done with the trunk and shoulders. The dryswim trainer helps develop and maintain this flexibility and core strength.
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